Available densities:
FF: Float
F1: Float + Intermediate
13: Sink1 + Sink3
NextCast Europe
TroutFinder Spey is a smaller version of Zone, designed for light spey rods and switch rods. It loads deeper on the rod initially yet faster recovery on forward delivery with a nice smooth turn over. It handles well with tips from 10' floater, polyleader to a few feet of T14. It comes with three models: full floater (FF), float-Intermediate (F1) and Sink 1-Sink 3 (13). TroutFinder performs well with all types of casting styles including single spey beautifully.
The shooting heads are from 4,2-5,4 meters in length excl. tip.
Available densities:
FF: Float
F1: Float + Intermediate
13: Sink1 + Sink3